CDN "Content Delivery Network" doesn’t work as a web #hosting as it’s unable to host content or carry the capacity to cradle web hosting necessities. However, at the network edge, assist in caching content, in turn, enhances website performance. A lot of sites have difficulty meeting their performance by utilizing only traditional hosting services this is why CDN's are Important! CDNs are a fast-rising solution to relieve a few primal issues that are present with traditional web hosting, such as preventing interruptions of services, and bettering overall security. How it Works ? It is a high distributed platform with many servers which are separated technically and globally, the web content delivers to the end-user based on his regional location & the origin webpage. CDN Service is a good resolution for speeding the delivery of website content, "CDN" also increases traffic which leads websites to global & organic reach, the user gets the faster content...
Still driven and enjoys taking the initiative on new projects. The more time passes and I continue to learn new technology, the more I understand that I am a man of the field.